
Years Of
About Us
MB Unit of Socio Equality Pvt. Ltd. (MBUSE) emerged from the womb of Unique Social Equality (USE) as an unavoidable imperative necessity for furtherance of the almost decade long tasks shouldered by USE in the capacity of Authorized Business Correspondent (BC) of State Bank of India. MBUSE was registered under the Companies Act 2013 during the fag end of 2016 on the initiative of the President and Secretary of USE, both of whom assumed the role of Directors of the Company. Subsequently, following compliance of necessary procedures and other formalities as desired by State Bank of India, the entire BC domain of USE was brought under the fold of MBUSE and accordingly it was granted due recognition as Authorized BC of State Bank of India in place of USE on the 1st of February 2018. Since then, in consonance with the legacy of USE, MB Unit of Socio Equality Pvt. Ltd. (MBUSE) has successfully maintained its hard-earned status as one of the largest Pan India level BC of State Bank of India and at the same time the largest BC of SBI in West Bengal.

No. of CSPS
Years of Experiences

MBUSE, being a Company registered under the Companies Act 2013, its governance is strictly based as per the provisions of the said Act and allied Rules & Regulations. All major aspects of administration and management pertaining to organizational matters, day to day activities, programme planning & implementation etc. are primarily decided upon by the Company’s Board of Directors and carried out in a decentralized manner through different departments / committees / working cells / teams under the guidance of their respective designated heads who in turn are directly accountable to the Board of Directors for the tasks assigned to them. Work accountability is strictly measured through regular systematic appraisals based on the preparation and submission of daily mandatory performance Reports at all levels right upto the level of the Board of Directors. Important Notifications and decisions of the Board are highlighted in the website of the Company from time to time for due adherence and prompt implementation by all the concerned personnel & staff. For ease & efficiency of work, necessary interactive communication and safeguarding of confidentiality specific customized softwares have been put in place for the benefit of its Customer Service Point (CSP) Operators. All employees are also bounded by the Company’s Service Rules and Code of Conduct formulated by the Board of Directors.
With the concerted efforts of all our Field & Office Staff & personnel, over the years, MBUSE has achieved the stature of becoming the largest Pan-India Circle level BC of SBI. During January 2024 we have successfully expanded our CSP network with over 1800 CSPs under our BC domain and we have set a target to cross 2000 CSPs within March 2024.
To create genuine & unique conditions conducive for ensuring social equality and sustained socio-economic development.
To augment the quality of life amongst common people of different communities through Social and Financial Inclusion.
Building a new India emboldened with a vibrant social base.